Use Instagram in your Business

Instagram for business, Creative Ground.

Use Instagram in your Business – Social networking has created a wealth of opportunities for business owners. Facebook and Twitter make it quick and easy for them to get their message out to their audience, wherever they may be. But the world of social networking is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up. Relatively new networks such as Instagram offer even more opportunities for marketers.

Instagram is basically a photo sharing app, but its social networking features are among its biggest draws. They also make it a wonderful tool for promoting your business. Here are some of the most effective ways you can use Instagram for business.

Instagram for business, Creative Ground.
Instagram for business, Creative Ground.

* Show off your products. Instagram is excellent for promoting products with visual appeal. Some businesses use it much like a catalog, simply posting photos of their products. That can be effective in some cases, but a better approach is to show your products in action. If you sell cosmetics, for example, you could post images of customers using and wearing your products. These types of photos make it easy for the customer to visualize herself using your products.

* Show the results of your products. Not all products have visual appeal, but perhaps they produce visible results. Weight loss products are an obvious example where you could show before and after photos. This can also work well for a number of other products, such as anti-aging serums or plant food.

* Inject some personality into your marketing efforts. Even businesses that provide services or create products that are not “pretty” enough for Instagram can use the service to their advantage by showcasing their human side. Simple photos of you and your team in action will be interesting to many users, especially if they are accompanied by a fun or thought-provoking caption. It’s also good to show your business engaging in charitable work. You could even post photos of your employees or clients along with brief profiles.

* Entice others to help promote your business. Photo contests are great for getting your business noticed on Instagram. Simply come up with a theme, and ask users to post images using a unique hashtag. You can offer a prize for the winner or simply feature the best photos on your website. If you can’t afford to run a contest, simply finding photos users have posted that include your products and giving them a mention can help encourage others to post similar photos.

Instagram offers a simple way to promote your business. It doesn’t require a large time commitment or even a great deal of marketing expertise. Why not give it a try? Find out more about our social media offerings at Creative Ground.

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